Frequently asked questions

What is Honeycomb?

Honeycomb is a member-based organization dedicated to changing the world one community at a time. Currently we have operations in San Antonio. Our member select their own monthly membership fee. Each month we select a new high-impact organization and pool together our monthly fees. The remaining 10% is necessary to pay for operating costs.

When did Honeycomb start?

The Honeycomb Group was founded in the fall of 2013. We started with our first selection on July 2015

Why a bee theme?

Honeycomb is first and foremost a network connecting charities both to each other and to members of the community, as both need each other to thrive; this is the same as a beehive: all of the moving parts are equally important and necessary for growth.

How do you choose?

Our selection process begins with researching the “fingerprint” of a community or city: how tax dollars are being spent, what causes its citizens are passionate about, where there is room for improvement, and which charities are already thriving. Then we research nominated charities and select based on their financial transparency, community engagement, and volunteer opportunities.

Can I choose my own charity?

All charities are selected after our Board of Directors votes on the charities researched and determined to be a good fit for Honeycomb. To nominate a charity for review, please visit our Nomination page.

Is there a minimum donation?

There is a $3.00 minimum donation online to cover the third-party software processing charges. There is no minimum for cash donations.

Are donations tax-deductible?

Absolutely! Honeycomb is a 501(c)3 organization. We can be found using the number 46-4702605.

How does Honeycomb fund it's day to day operations?

Honeycomb takes 10% of monthly donations to cover overhead costs. Honeycomb is also supported by small businesses and private donors who believe in our cause. In order to maximize monthly donations from members, Honeycomb hosts events where the proceeds support our overhead. Our goal is to be financially sustainable enough through internal fundraising so that every member’s penny will go toward the causes they are passionate about.

Can I see your financials?

Our most current audited financials can be found on the Transparency page. For more information, please submit a request to [email protected].

Do you have a question that wasn't answered here?

If you have a question that wasn’t answered here, please email your question to [email protected] and we will respond to you as soon as we are able. If we receive multiple questions about a similar topic, we will add that topic to this FAQ page.