November 2015

Center For Refugee Services

More about the Center For Refugee Services Sa

The Center for Refugee Services was established as an independent 501c3 nonprofit agency in September 2010. The mission of CRS is to promote the wellness, self-sufficiency, and successful community integration of resettled refugees and their families.

Ria E. Baker, PhD.  was employed as Director of the Refugee Parent Resource Center, a 2-year grant funded program operated through Communities In Schools from 2008-2010. The program was established to help refugee parents understand and navigate the American school system, and to promote success of their children in school. Realizing that the ongoing needs of refugees were significant, Dr. Baker and her colleague Khadijat Quadri, along with a small group of dedicated volunteers decided to form a nonprofit agency to continue their work with refugees once the grant ended. Private donations from churches and individuals provided the funds to pay basic expenses such as rent for an apartment that served as a resource center and office in the heart of the residential neighborhoods where many refugees reside. To date, all of CRS’ staff are volunteers; no one receives a salary for the work they perform. The average volunteer donates 20-30 hours per month serving the needs of the refugee communities.

CRS provides resettled refugees with the following:

•Assistance with basic needs, such as clothing, household items, furniture, food, and referrals to other local social services.

•Educational services to consist of adult practical English classes, tutoring for school-aged children, academic counseling and guidance, career orientation for college students and professionals, educational rights awareness, scholarships, and mentoring.

Resettled Refugees contribute to the enrichment of San Antonio. Many people find employment within months of resettlement and become tax payers, dependable employees, and reliable neighbors who contribute positively to the diversity of our community

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Today through December 1st all proceeds raised will go to Center for Family Relations San Antonio.